Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Canada’s Geographic Position Charts




In Social Studies class today I did a project on Canada Geographic Position. These graphs show the largest countries areas in the world. The first graph which is a pie chart shows the biggest countries and their area in pie pieces compared to the rest of the countries. The second is a column chart with the biggest counties  compared to each other. Canada is the second biggest country in the world with 9970610 area (Square KM).  Canada also has the longest coastline in the world which is 243,000 kilometres.Canada has over 33,995,000 people living here. The population density is 3.3 inhabitants per square kilometre. That is one of the lowest in the world.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dealing With Teen Dating Abuse: Matters of Choice. End Story Prediction.

In this blog post I will tell you my prediction for the end of the video Dealing With Teen Dating Abuse: Matters of Choice.

Since Matthew is being really abusive to Megan I think she will just leave and go to Puerto Rico for the summer with Ana. This should be good for their relationship because it will give it time to cool down. Once Megan gets back she tries to avoid Matthew until Matthew finds her at the video store. He is going to act all nice and stuff then they leave the store he will get really mad. Megan tells him to calm down because Matthew is really yelling loud. There is a police officer in the parking lot looking over at them. Megan feels safe since the cop is there so she leaves on goes home. Megan tells her parent’s about what has been happening. They end up calling Matthews parents to tell them about the problem. They admit that they have been putting too much pressure on Matt and are very sorry. Matt ends up apologizing to Megan.

Matthew learns the hard way that you can’t let your anger out on someone else just because you have pressure on yourself. The both of them have learned a very good life lesson.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Slice of My Life: What Matters to Me

Wow my first blog post with Blogger!! I will tell you a bit about myself, so you know what matters to me, in my life. Family/friends, technology, fun, food are some of the most important.

Friends and family should be a very important part of anyone’s life. They are definitely super special and inspirational in my life. When you have good friends and family you can talk to them about anything and everything. My parents are really amazing because they have done so much for me and my sports. Driving me to my baseball games, coaching, watching and encouraging me to do better are just a few of the many things.

“Look at my cool new app on my Ipod.” That is what you will usually hear someone say walking down the hallway at school. Technology is all around and people use it every day. I am in Digital Immersion at my school which is a program that lets me do certain courses on my laptop. I love using and keeping up with the latest technology because it is exciting and can help you do tasks a lot faster. The Microsoft office suite is the best group of programs because they let you write, present and do a lot of things quickly and simply. It makes your work look really professional and it’s not that hard to do. That is one super suite of programs and there is many, many more. An Ipod is another amazing device that I love all thanks to today’s amazing technology. I may call myself a bit of a technology nerd because when the next best game console or laptop comes out I really want it.

If you don’t have any fun in your life, it would be a very boring, dull, world. Sports are a huge part of my life which I really care about. Lots of people play sports for a variety of reasons. They incorporate fun, exercise and the feeling of belong in group/team. I am currently playing baseball which is really great because it incorporates all of those reasons into one. I love playing video games, they are so intriguing and exhilarating. When you play a video game you feel like you are in the game, with the characters, living the events. Now with today’s advanced graphics it feels even more realistic. I personally believe researching technology is really exciting and fun when others think it is a chore.

You can’t live without food so why not enjoy what you eat. That is why food really matters to me. I love all kinds of different cuisines from all different parts of the world. Some of my favourite foods are smokies, pizza, chicken wings, butter chicken, chowmein, escargot, perogies, Ukrainian sausage, chocolate, grilled cheese sandwiches, sunny side up eggs and so many more. Eating some kind of food you like, obviously tastes good. When I have some amazing foods that I love like escargot or perogies, I feel myself relax and my taste buds dance. Tons of people are scared of trying new and different foods because they worried it will taste bad. It could also be an incredible experience eating that weird snail floating in garlic and butter.

Now that you know a bit about me and what I like, hopefully you will read my future blog posts. Since I am in my school’s Digital Immersion program you will see most of my posts about technology and school. I will also blog about fun things and food.