In this blog post I will tell you my prediction for the end of the video Dealing With Teen Dating Abuse: Matters of Choice.
Since Matthew is being really abusive to Megan I think she will just leave and go to Puerto Rico for the summer with Ana. This should be good for their relationship because it will give it time to cool down. Once Megan gets back she tries to avoid Matthew until Matthew finds her at the video store. He is going to act all nice and stuff then they leave the store he will get really mad. Megan tells him to calm down because Matthew is really yelling loud. There is a police officer in the parking lot looking over at them. Megan feels safe since the cop is there so she leaves on goes home. Megan tells her parent’s about what has been happening. They end up calling Matthews parents to tell them about the problem. They admit that they have been putting too much pressure on Matt and are very sorry. Matt ends up apologizing to Megan.
Matthew learns the hard way that you can’t let your anger out on someone else just because you have pressure on yourself. The both of them have learned a very good life lesson.
Ooh, nasty. You've written some graphic detail here and I wish you'd have kept the tone a bit more neutral i.e. he goes to jail for the sexual assault rather than 'to juve for the bad beat and rape'. It's a serious topic and I think you're missing a conclusion that would address the topic of dating abuse. How could you have better concluded this post?